
本章包含有關不同 Veyon 版本系列中變更的資訊。 在從舊版本的 Veyon 升級前,您應該仔細閱讀它們。 如果遷移不正確,在最壞的情況下使用具有舊設定的較新版本 Veyon 可能會導致安全問題,例如存取控制規則行為不當。

各個版本的版本資訊可在 `Veyon 發佈頁 <https://github.com/veyon/veyon/releases>`_中找到。


由於 Veyon 及其外掛程式的變化,在 Veyon 的發佈系列之間,組態機碼和值都可能發生變化。 通常,Veyon 內建了讀取舊組態機碼和值並執行時在內部遷移的機制。 這可確保 Veyon 只在升級軟體後保持正常執行。 強烈建議始終升級系統中存儲的 Veyon 組態。 這可以透過兩種方式完成:

  1. 開啟 Veyon 組態器,然後按一下 套用 按鈕以永久儲存和套用執行階段遷移的組態。

  2. 使用 命令列介面 以透過 組態模組 <CLIConfigUpgrade> 的升級命令 升級組態。

如果不在所有電腦上自動使用第二種方法,升級後的組態需要之後 匯出到所有其他電腦

如果重新命名組態機碼,為了相容性原因,則始終保留舊機碼,以便更輕鬆地切換回以前的版本。 將來的版本將有一個清理機制,它將移除所有舊組態機碼。

Veyon 4.8


Veyon 4.8 introduces image quality control mechanisms to better meet bandwidth contraints, especially in Wi-Fi networks. A static image quality can now be configured for monitoring mode and remote access views. The demo server controls the image quality dynamically based on the used bandwidth between two key frames and the configured bandwidth limit.

The Windows version of Veyon is now based on the latest Qt 6.5 framework as well as OpenSSL 3 and UltraVNC Also the build environment has been updated to Debian 11 (i.e. GCC 10 and MinGW runtime 8). This allowed us to enable Link Time Optimization (LTO) resulting in better overall performance.


The WebAPI has been changed such that the /api/v1/user endpoint does not return the session ID any longer. Instead the new /api/v1/session endpoint should be used which also provides additional information about the session.


No configuration keys have been changed or renamed in Veyon 4.8.

Veyon 4.7


Veyon 4.7 is the last minor release series of Veyon 4. One of the most long-awaited features is certainly the new screen selection menu in the remote access window. Also the overall performance and responsiveness has been improved thanks to a revised mechanism for sending and receiving control messages. Besides that, several issues from previous versions have been resolved.

  • 核心
    • Fixed binary compatibility issues between different versions of LibVNCServer/LibVNCClient.

    • Messages in log files (especially debug messages) are now much more human readable.

  • 外掛程式
    • Demo: Screens in the Demo menu are now displayed with their actual hardware name and connector type/index.

    • LDAP: Fixed querying members of a group when the nested groups option is enabled.

    • TextMessage: Students can now select and copy the text message or parts of it.

    • TextMessage: Rich text (i.e. formatted text including hyperlinks) can now be entered and sent to students.

    • RemoteAccess: For remote computers with multiple screens, a button with a screen selection menu has been added.

    • RemoteAccess: The login name of the remote user is shown in the window title, if the full name is not available.

    • WebAPI: The header field lookup (e.g. for the connection UID) is now case insensitive.

  • Linux
    • The parameter order for the ping utility has been improved.

    • Issues regarding the session identification have been fixed, solving various issues when running veyon-server manually e.g. via autostart entries.

  • 主要
    • A regression in Veyon 4.6.0 has been fixed to make the computer and user search case insensitive again.

    • Control messages between computers are now sent asynchronously which improves performance and responsiveness while reducing the CPU load.

    • When closing the program, it now stops all features on the student computers and waits until all corresponding control messages have been sent.

    • A new filter button has been added to show computers with logged on users only.

    • The dialog for confirming actions such as powering off computers only emphasizes ALL computers if all computers are selected.

    • If available, the full name of the user is now preferred in the tooltip.

  • 伺服器
    • Server-side framebuffer update rate control has been added which improves performance and responsive.

  • Windows
    • Added an explicit initialization of the WinSock layer to prevent networking issues.

    • The service control has been made more resilient.

    • The Windows ICMP API is now used to ping computers in favor of calling the external ping utility.

    • Several 3rdparty libraries have been updated (Qt 5.12.12 snapshot, TurboJPEG 2.1.2, OpenLDAP 2.5.10 snapshot)

Even though there have been changes to the core and networking layer, there’s only a small to medium risk for regressions, since most of the features haven’t been touched. To benefit from the performance improvements, both teacher and student computers should be upgraded to Veyon 4.7.

Since the underlying LDAP library has been updated, users of Veyon’s LDAP backend should test if Veyon 4.7 is able to retrieve all relevant information from your LDAP/AD server as usual.


There are no structural changes in Veyon 4.7.


No configuration keys have been changed or renamed in Veyon 4.7.

Veyon 4.6


Most notably in Veyon 4.6 the remote access module has been redesigned to reuse the computer connection of the main window. This way users get instant access to computers when starting the remote control or view feature and no longer have to wait until the connection has been established (which could take up to several seconds). Also users can now press and hold the left mouse button on a computer. This shows the computer’s screen in fullscreen and realtime until the mouse button is released again. Veyon CLI gained two new modules for managing plugins and features. This allows starting and stopping Veyon features remotely on the command line, e.g. for scripting and automation tasks. On Linux the Veyon Service component has been greatly improved to start and stop Veyon Server instances more reliably on session changes (user logon/logoff etc.). In addition to the existing single and multi session modes, there’s now a new active session mode on Windows which starts a single Veyon Server instance for the currently active local or remote session. This is very useful for environments in which some students are logged in locally while others access unoccupied computers via RDP from home.

Since mostly only a few specific modules have been changed or enhanced, there’s a rather low risk for regressions in general. Especially Linux users are advised to upgrade soon to solve problems with the Veyon Service.

  • 核心
    • Protocol errors during the initial authentication phase are handled more reliably. This fixes problems when connecting to incompatible servers accidentally.

  • CLI
    • The plugin and feature modules have been added.

    • The config and shell plugins have been integrated as static modules.

  • 外掛程式
    • Demo: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has been redesigned.

    • DesktopServices: The Run program feature has been renamed to Start application.

    • RemoteAccess: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has been redesigned.

    • RemoteAccess: The computer connection of the main window is reused if available resulting in immediate access to the remote computer.

    • RemoteAccess: The remote cursor is no longer used in view only mode to prevent occasionally observed render artifacts.

    • UserSessionControl: Non-user sessions (such as display manager/login screen sessions) are no longer terminated by the user logoff feature.

    • WebAPI: An error code has been added to report protocol errors occuring while connecting to the Veyon Server.

    • WebAPI: The connection limit is enforced at the HTTP server level already to properly report the connection limit reached error instead of timing out.

    • WebAPI: Skip ping for hosts which no connection could be established to. This allows using a higher connection limit on Linux when the number of open file descriptors is limited.

  • Linux
    • SHM support is being detected more reliably.

    • Logging off users is now initiated properly through the environment-specific session manager while systemd-logind is used as fallback only. This fixes the display manager (especially GDM3) not being shown again after logoff.

    • Reboot and power down via systemd-logind has been improved while the environment-specific session manager is used as fallback only. The reboot and poweroff binaries are not used any longer.

  • 主要
    • In addition to the hostname, the computer display name is shown in the tooltip of a computer.

    • A computer’s screen is shown in fullscreen and realtime while pressing and holding the left mouse button on a computer.

    • For Linux clients, [no user] is displayed as the user name instead of the name of the display manager user.

  • 伺服器
    • Hostnames of connected computers (shown in the tooltip of the tray icon) are now reverse resolved in background to keep connections responsive.

  • Windows
    • The 3rdparty component UltraVNC has been updated to the latest version.

    • The new Active session mode has been implemented.

    • Querying local and domain user groups has been improved to share more code in common and log more details in case of errors.

    • The Veyon Service additionally depends on the LanmanWorkstation and LSM services to improve reliability on start.

    • Several 3rdparty libraries have been updated (Qt 5.12.11 snapshot, OpenSSL 1.1.1l, TurboJPEG 2.1.1)


In Veyon 4.6 the Run program feature has been renamed to Start application but works identically.


One configuration key has been renamed in Veyon 4.6. When upgrading to Veyon 4.6 or newer this new configuration key will be populated with the value of the old key automatically.





Veyon 4.5


Veyon 4.5 is the release series with the most changes since Veyon 4.0. Most notably, Veyon 4.5 includes a new WebAPI plugin which allows accessing computers by 3rdparty products via HTTP. Veyon Master introduces the new monitoring panels Slideshow and Spotlight. The demo mode has been greatly extended and improved. It’s now possible to share a student’s screen instead of the own screen easily. In environments where multiple monitors are connected to the computer running Veyon Master, the user can now choose to share a specific monitor only. Moreover, the performance and responsiveness of the demo mode is much better thanks to the demo server now being multithreaded. At the same time Veyon 4.5 focuses on application and desktop virtualization environments by delivering extended and improved multi session support. Additionally various compatibility issues on Linux have been fixed and the file transfer plugin received a configuration page.

  • 核心
    • 功能外掛程式 API 已修訂。

    • The invocation of worker processes and communication with them has been improved, resulting in increased reliability of certain Veyon features such as the demo mode.

    • Session IDs are now managed internally. This allows reusing a session ID after a user session has been closed. RDP session IDs (which are increased continuously) are no longer used for calculating server port numbers.

  • 組態器
    • Several parts of the user interface have been improved.

    • Settings for new Veyon Master features have been added.

  • 外掛程式
    • 示範: 伺服器已重構為多執行緒,從而提高效能和回應能力,尤其是對於許多用戶端。

    • 示範: 加入共享使用者螢幕的功能,而不是自己的螢幕。

    • 示範: 模式 (視窗/全螢幕) 使子功能顯示在下拉功能表中。

    • 示範: 加入功能以只共用多個螢幕中的一個。

    • 檔案傳輸: 已加入組態頁,允許組態來源資料夾和目標資料夾。

    • RemoteAccess: The username is now displayed in the window title.

    • WebAPI: Added a new plugin offering a RESTful API for accessing Veyon Server instances.

  • Linux
    • The reboot/poweroff functions now prefer using systemd-logind.

    • The reboot/poweroff functions now look for binaries in /sbin and /usr/sbin if they are not in the PATH environment variable.

    • The user session management code has been improved to start Veyon Server more reliably.

    • The screenlock feature is now working properly with most desktop environments.

  • 主要
    • The new Slideshow panel cycles through all computers and shows a magnified view of each computer for a short time.

    • The new Spotlight panel shows one or multiple computers in realtime. This allows keeping an eye on users requiring special attention.

    • The size of computer icons is now always adjusted automatically whenever the panel is resized or computers are added or removed.

    • States and sizes of panels are now saved when closing the program and restored upon the next start.

    • The aspect ratio of computer icons is now adjusted to the original screen sizes.

  • 伺服器
    • A notification is now shown for both incomplete and failed authentication attempts.

    • Support for external VNC servers without any authentication/password configured has been added.

  • Windows
    • The Interception driver is now disabled in multi session mode to prevent issues with hanging RDP sessions.

    • The 3rdparty component UltraVNC has been updated to the latest version.

    • Several 3rdparty libraries have been updated (Qt 5.12.11 snapshot, OpenLDAP 2.4.56, OpenSSL 1.1.1h)

Due to the large number of changes, there’s a medium risk for regressions. Therefore especially the initial release (v4.5.0) should be tested thoroughly before deploying.


Veyon 4.5 沒有結構變化。


Veyon 4.5 已重新命名幾個組態機碼。 升級到 Veyon 4.5 或更高版本時,將自動使用舊機碼的值填入新組態機碼。











Veyon 4.4


Veyon 4.4 與 Veyon 4.3 基本相同。 最顯著的變化是更新的 VNC 和網路堆疊,它提供了更好的可靠性。 因此,Veyon 4.4 在建立與用戶端電腦的連線時使用略有不同的技術和設定,因此在部署之前應徹底測試新版本。 除此之外,回歸的風險非常低。


Veyon 4.4 沒有結構變化。


未變更或重新命名任何組態金鑰。 VNC 和網路堆疊的各種內部設定 (如逾時和間隔) 現在可在命令列進行組態,作為除錯和調整用途。

Veyon 4.3


Veyon 4.3 is mostly identical to Veyon 4.2. A new plugin has been added which allows logging in a particular user remotely on all computers. The config CLI module has been improved to handle specific data types (such as JSON data and option indices) more intelligently. Upgrading to Veyon 4.3 does not require any configuration changes. Since only a new plugin has been added and some commands of the config CLI module have been extended the risk of regressions is very low.


Veyon 4.3 沒有結構變化。


未變更或重新命名任何組態金鑰。 唯一的新組態金鑰與新的遠端登入功能直接相關,通常不需要變更。

Veyon 4.2


Veyon 4.2 continues the Veyon 4 major release series with many internal modernizations, user interface optimizations and performance improvements in many areas. Veyon 4.2 lays the foundation for commercial add-ons offered starting in the second half of 2019. The following new features and improvements can be found in Veyon 4.2:

  • 核心
    • 網路物件管理層已修訂,允許在商業附加元件中使用多級層次結構。

    • 一些國家的使用者介面語言自動偵測得到了改進 (例如,在奧地利或瑞士使用德語)。

    • 日誌訊息中的內文資訊已改進。

  • 主要
    • 現在可以組態電腦排序順序。

    • 內部資料模型得到了改進,提高了穩定性和可靠性。

    • 改進了連線和訊息處理,以減少延遲。

  • 組態器
    • 加入了新的檢視模式「標準」和「進階」。

    • 加入身份驗證測試功能。

  • 外掛程式
    • 新的檔案傳輸外掛程式,允許向所有使用者傳送檔案,並在請求時自動開啟它們。

    • Wake-on-LAN 可透過電源模組在 CLI 中使用。

    • 內建網路物件目錄獲得對匯入含有類型欄的 CSV 檔案支援。

    • 電源關閉功能支援安裝更新、確認關閉或逾時後電源關閉的其它選項。

    • 使用者現在可以將自訂程式和網站加入到相應的功能表。

    • 示範模式處於活動狀態時,可以減慢縮圖更新速度。這提高了效能並減少了網路流量。

  • LDAP
    • 瀏覽按鈕已加入到組態頁。

    • 加入電腦顯示名稱的新屬性。

    • 電腦屬性查詢已最佳化,以減少 LDAP/AD 伺服器上的負載。

    • 如果將容器/OU 用作位置,則存取控制使用的電腦位置查詢已修復。

    • 整合測試的結果訊息已得到改進。

  • Linux
    • 加入具有特定於平臺設定的組態頁。

    • PAM 服務 login 而不是 su 現在用於驗證使用者。

    • 加入了對使用自訂 PAM 服務,如 veyon 的支援。

  • Windows
    • 加入具有特定於平臺設定的組態頁。

    • 針對平臺的網路代碼已得到改進,以便獲得更可靠的網路連接。

    • 對於基於 SSPI 的機制不起作用的情況,加入了替代身份驗證機制。

    • 螢幕鎖定功能現在可以停用和隱藏工作列、[開始] 按鈕和 [開始] 功能表。

    • 基礎 Qt 框架已更新到 LTS 版本 5.12,從而更好地支援 Windows 10。

    • 內建 UltraVNC 伺服器的效能和安全性得到了改進。


從 Veyon 4.2 開始,在適當情況下使用更通用的術語 位置 而不是 教室。 這會影響使用者介面和組態機碼名稱。 措辭已發生改變,以更好地反映電腦在多級層次結構中的位置。

In Veyon 4.2 the command line utility has been renamed to veyon-cli. All occurrences of the old name veyon-ctl in your scripts and installation routines have to be replaced accordingly. On Windows there’s also a new non-console version veyon-wcli which allows automating tasks without irritating command line window popups.

在 Linux 上,系統單元已從 veyon-service.service 重新命名為 veyon.service

Veyon 組態器不再顯示每個預設值的所有組態選項,以便顯示更簡潔的使用者介面。 如果您錯過了某些進階選項,您可以透過 檢視 功能表將檢視切換到 進階


在 Veyon 4.2 中已重新命名了幾個組態機碼。 升級到 Veyon 4.2 或更新版本時,將自動使用舊機碼的值填充新組態機碼。



























Veyon 4.1


Veyon 4.1 是 Veyon 4 的第一個功能發佈系列。 即使最終使用者看不到,但最顯著的變化是平臺支援模組化,即所有特定於平臺的功能都已移動到不同的外掛程式。 這大大改善了各個平臺的支援,並使得將來支援更多平臺變得更加容易。 除此之外,與 4.0 相比,Veyon 4.1 還提供了許多改進和新功能:

  • 核心
    • 組態中的所有密碼現在已加密。

    • 特定於平臺的代碼已移入平臺外掛程式。

  • 主要
    • 電腦現在可以透過拖放來排列。

    • 加入按鈕用來隱藏已關閉電源的電腦。

    • 重新整理間隔、背景色和縮圖標題現在可組態。

  • 外掛程式
    • 組態器和命令列的身份驗證金鑰管理已完全修訂。

    • 電腦和教室現在可以在命令列進行管理。

    • 電腦和教室現在可以從 CSV 和文字檔匯入。

    • 可組態用於「執行程式」和「開啟網站」功能的預定義程式和網站。

  • LDAP
    • 加入了對加密 SSL/TLS 連線的支援。

  • Linux
    • 完整 systemd 服務支援

    • 已重寫關機/重新開機/工作階段登出機制以使用 DBus 呼叫。

  • Windows
    • 所有組建都基於具有 GCC 7.3, Qt 5.9 LTS 和 OpenSSL 1.1. 的更新工具鏈。


As part of the changes for systemd support on Linux, in Veyon 4.1 the Veyon Service component has been split into two separate components. The Veyon Service no longer contains the actual functions to provide access to a computer. These functions have been moved into the new Veyon Server component which runs as a standalone process in user sessions. The Veyon Service now only monitors user sessions on a computer and starts Veyon Server instances within these sessions.

The LocalData plugin has been split into the BuiltinDirectory and SystemUserGroups plugins. This allows using different data sources for access control, e.g. computers from an LDAP directory in combination with local user groups. After upgrading you should verify that the appropriate network object directory and access control user groups backend are selected as desired.


在 Veyon 4.1 中變更了以下組態機碼:


In Veyon 4.0 this key contained the unencrypted password for an external VNC server. Starting with Veyon 4.1 this password is always stored encrypted. It will be encrypted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1. There’s no way to encrypt the password manually. When downgrading to 4.0 the password needs to be set explicitly again.


In Veyon 4.0 this key contained the unencrypted LDAP bind password. Starting with Veyon 4.1 this password is always stored encrypted. It will be encrypted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1. There’s no way to encrypt the password manually. When downgrading to 4.0 the password needs to be set explicitly again.

LDAP/UsersFilter, LDAP/UserGroupsFilter, LDAP/ComputersFilter, LDAP/ComputerGroupsFilter, LDAP/ComputerContainersFilter

Veyon 4.0 used a non-standard syntax for LDAP filters. This has been fixed in Veyon 4.1 where all filter expressions must be placed in parentheses. The expressions will be adjusted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1.


In Veyon 4.0 the builtin network object directory was provided by a different plugin. Starting with Veyon 4.1 locations and computers are stored in BuiltinDirectory/NetworkObjects instead of LocalData/NetworkObjects.

Veyon 4.0

Veyon 4.0 是 Veyon 4 的第一個版本系列,iTALC 的繼任者。 它具有模組化架構、重寫的主應用程式和 LDAP/AD 支援。 自 2018 年 12 月起,Veyon 4.0.x 系列已標記為使用壽命終止,不再接收更新。