Примечания к выпуску

Эта глава содержит информацию об изменениях в различных сериях выпусков Veyon. Вам следует внимательно прочитать их перед обновлением с более старой версии Veyon. При неправильном переносе использование более новых версий Veyon со старыми настройками в худшем случае может привести к проблемам безопасности, таким как неправильное использование правил контроля доступа.

Примечания к отдельным выпускам можно найти на странице релизов Veyon.

Обновление конфигурации

Из-за изменений в Veyon и его плагинах может случиться так, что ключи конфигурации и значения изменятся между сериями выпусков Veyon. В общем, Veyon имеет встроенные механизмы для чтения старых ключей конфигурации и значений и их внутренней миграции во время выполнения. Это гарантирует, что Veyon продолжит нормально работать только после обновления программного обеспечения. По-прежнему настоятельно рекомендуется всегда обновлять конфигурацию Veyon, хранящуюся в системе. Это можно сделать двумя способами:

  1. Откройте конфигуратор Veyon и нажмите кнопку Применить, чтобы сохранить и применить конфигурацию, перенесенную во время выполнения, навсегда.

  2. Используйте Интерфейс командной строки для обновления конфигурации с помощью команда обновления модуля конфигурации.

Если второй метод не используется автоматически на всех компьютерах, обновленная конфигурация должна быть экспортирована на все другие компьютеры впоследствии.

Если ключи конфигурации переименованы, старые ключи всегда сохраняются по соображениям совместимости, что позволяет легче вернуться к предыдущей версии. В будущей версии будет механизм очистки, который удалит все устаревшие ключи конфигурации.

Veyon 4.8


Veyon 4.8 представляет механизмы контроля качества изображения, чтобы лучше соответствовать ограничениям пропускной способности, особенно в сетях Wi-Fi. Статическое качество изображения теперь можно настроить для режима мониторинга и просмотра удаленного доступа. Демонстрационный сервер динамически управляет качеством изображения на основе используемой полосы пропускания между двумя ключевыми кадрами и настроенного ограничения полосы пропускания.

Версия Veyon для Windows теперь основана на новейшей платформе Qt 6.5, а также на OpenSSL 3 и UltraVNC Также среда сборки была обновлена до Debian 11 (т.е. GCC 10 и среда выполнения MinGW 8). Это позволило нам включить оптимизацию времени соединения (LTO), что привело к повышению общей производительности.

Структурные изменения

WebAPI был изменен таким образом, что endpoint /api/v1/user больше не возвращает идентификатор сеанса. Вместо этого следует использовать новый endpoint /api/v1/session, который также предоставляет дополнительную информацию о сеансе.

Изменения конфигурации

Никакие конфигурационные ключи не были изменены или переименованы в Veyon 4.8.

Veyon 4.7


Veyon 4.7 - это последняя незначительная серия релизов Veyon 4. Одной из самых долгожданных функций, безусловно, является новое меню выбора экрана в окне удаленного доступа. Кроме того, общая производительность и оперативность реагирования были улучшены благодаря пересмотренному механизму отправки и получения управляющих сообщений. Кроме того, было устранено несколько проблем из предыдущих версий.

  • Ядро
    • Исправлены проблемы с двоичной совместимостью между различными версиями LibVNCServer/LibVNCClient.

    • Сообщения в файлах журнала (особенно отладочные сообщения) теперь гораздо более удобочитаемы для человека.

  • Плагины
    • Демонстрация: Экраны в демонстрационном меню теперь отображаются с их фактическим названием оборудования и типом/индексом разъема.

    • LDAP: Исправлено выполнение запросов к членам группы, когда включена опция вложенных групп.

    • Текстовое сообщение: теперь учащиеся могут выбрать и скопировать текстовое сообщение или его части.

    • Текстовое сообщение: Форматированный текст (т.е. форматированный текст, включающий гиперссылки) теперь можно вводить и отправлять учащимся.

    • Удаленный доступ: Для удаленных компьютеров с несколькими экранами добавлена кнопка с меню выбора экрана.

    • Удаленный доступ: имя входа удаленного пользователя отображается в заголовке окна, если полное имя недоступно.

    • WebAPI: поиск по полю заголовка (например, для UID соединения) теперь не чувствителен к регистру.

  • Linux
    • Порядок параметров для утилиты ping был улучшен.

    • Исправлены проблемы, связанные с идентификацией сеанса, устранены различные проблемы при запуске veyon-server вручную, например, с помощью записей автозапуска.

  • Мастер
    • Исправлена ошибка регрессии в Veyon 4.6.0, из-за которой компьютер и пользовательский поиск снова не учитывают регистр.

    • Управляющие сообщения между компьютерами теперь отправляются асинхронно, что повышает производительность и быстродействие при одновременном снижении нагрузки на процессор.

    • При закрытии программы теперь она останавливает все функции на компьютерах учащихся и ожидает, пока не будут отправлены все соответствующие управляющие сообщения.

    • Добавлена новая кнопка фильтра для отображения компьютеров только с зарегистрированными пользователями.

    • The dialog for confirming actions such as powering off computers only emphasizes ALL computers if all computers are selected.

    • Если доступно, полное имя пользователя теперь предпочтительнее во всплывающей подсказке.

  • Сервер
    • Добавлено управление частотой обновления буфера кадров на стороне сервера, что повышает производительность и отзывчивость.

  • Windows
    • Добавлена явная инициализация уровня WinSock для предотвращения сетевых проблем.

    • Управление сервисом стало более устойчивым.

    • Windows ICMP API теперь используется для пинга компьютеров вместо вызова внешней утилиты ping.

    • Несколько сторонних библиотек были обновлены (Qt 5.12.12 snapshot, TurboJPEG 2.1.2, OpenLDAP 2.5.10 snapshot)

Несмотря на то, что произошли изменения в ядре и сетевом уровне, существует лишь небольшой или средний риск регрессии, поскольку большинство функций не были затронуты. Чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами повышения производительности, компьютеры как учителей, так и учащихся должны быть обновлены до версии Veyon 4.7.

Поскольку базовая библиотека LDAP была обновлена, пользователи серверной части LDAP Veyon должны проверить, может ли Veyon 4.7 извлекать всю необходимую информацию с вашего сервера LDAP/AD, как обычно.

Структурные изменения

В Veyon 4.7 нет никаких структурных изменений.

Изменения конфигурации

Никакие ключи конфигурации не были изменены или переименованы в Veyon 4.7.

Veyon 4.6


Most notably in Veyon 4.6 the remote access module has been redesigned to reuse the computer connection of the main window. This way users get instant access to computers when starting the remote control or view feature and no longer have to wait until the connection has been established (which could take up to several seconds). Also users can now press and hold the left mouse button on a computer. This shows the computer’s screen in fullscreen and realtime until the mouse button is released again. Veyon CLI gained two new modules for managing plugins and features. This allows starting and stopping Veyon features remotely on the command line, e.g. for scripting and automation tasks. On Linux the Veyon Service component has been greatly improved to start and stop Veyon Server instances more reliably on session changes (user logon/logoff etc.). In addition to the existing single and multi session modes, there’s now a new active session mode on Windows which starts a single Veyon Server instance for the currently active local or remote session. This is very useful for environments in which some students are logged in locally while others access unoccupied computers via RDP from home.

Since mostly only a few specific modules have been changed or enhanced, there’s a rather low risk for regressions in general. Especially Linux users are advised to upgrade soon to solve problems with the Veyon Service.

  • Ядро
    • Protocol errors during the initial authentication phase are handled more reliably. This fixes problems when connecting to incompatible servers accidentally.

  • CLI
    • The plugin and feature modules have been added.

    • The config and shell plugins have been integrated as static modules.

  • Плагины
    • Demo: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has been redesigned.

    • DesktopServices: The Run program feature has been renamed to Start application.

    • RemoteAccess: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has been redesigned.

    • RemoteAccess: The computer connection of the main window is reused if available resulting in immediate access to the remote computer.

    • RemoteAccess: The remote cursor is no longer used in view only mode to prevent occasionally observed render artifacts.

    • UserSessionControl: Non-user sessions (such as display manager/login screen sessions) are no longer terminated by the user logoff feature.

    • WebAPI: An error code has been added to report protocol errors occuring while connecting to the Veyon Server.

    • WebAPI: The connection limit is enforced at the HTTP server level already to properly report the connection limit reached error instead of timing out.

    • WebAPI: Skip ping for hosts which no connection could be established to. This allows using a higher connection limit on Linux when the number of open file descriptors is limited.

  • Linux
    • SHM support is being detected more reliably.

    • Logging off users is now initiated properly through the environment-specific session manager while systemd-logind is used as fallback only. This fixes the display manager (especially GDM3) not being shown again after logoff.

    • Reboot and power down via systemd-logind has been improved while the environment-specific session manager is used as fallback only. The reboot and poweroff binaries are not used any longer.

  • Мастер
    • In addition to the hostname, the computer display name is shown in the tooltip of a computer.

    • A computer’s screen is shown in fullscreen and realtime while pressing and holding the left mouse button on a computer.

    • For Linux clients, [no user] is displayed as the user name instead of the name of the display manager user.

  • Сервер
    • Hostnames of connected computers (shown in the tooltip of the tray icon) are now reverse resolved in background to keep connections responsive.

  • Windows
    • The 3rdparty component UltraVNC has been updated to the latest version.

    • The new Active session mode has been implemented.

    • Querying local and domain user groups has been improved to share more code in common and log more details in case of errors.

    • The Veyon Service additionally depends on the LanmanWorkstation and LSM services to improve reliability on start.

    • Several 3rdparty libraries have been updated (Qt 5.12.11 snapshot, OpenSSL 1.1.1l, TurboJPEG 2.1.1)

Структурные изменения

In Veyon 4.6 the Run program feature has been renamed to Start application but works identically.

Изменения конфигурации

One configuration key has been renamed in Veyon 4.6. When upgrading to Veyon 4.6 or newer this new configuration key will be populated with the value of the old key automatically.

Старое имя

Новое имя



Veyon 4.5


Veyon 4.5 is the release series with the most changes since Veyon 4.0. Most notably, Veyon 4.5 includes a new WebAPI plugin which allows accessing computers by 3rdparty products via HTTP. Veyon Master introduces the new monitoring panels Slideshow and Spotlight. The demo mode has been greatly extended and improved. It’s now possible to share a student’s screen instead of the own screen easily. In environments where multiple monitors are connected to the computer running Veyon Master, the user can now choose to share a specific monitor only. Moreover, the performance and responsiveness of the demo mode is much better thanks to the demo server now being multithreaded. At the same time Veyon 4.5 focuses on application and desktop virtualization environments by delivering extended and improved multi session support. Additionally various compatibility issues on Linux have been fixed and the file transfer plugin received a configuration page.

  • Ядро
    • The feature plugin API has been revised.

    • The invocation of worker processes and communication with them has been improved, resulting in increased reliability of certain Veyon features such as the demo mode.

    • Session IDs are now managed internally. This allows reusing a session ID after a user session has been closed. RDP session IDs (which are increased continuously) are no longer used for calculating server port numbers.

  • Configurator
    • Several parts of the user interface have been improved.

    • Settings for new Veyon Master features have been added.

  • Плагины
    • Demo: The server has been refactored to be multithreaded which improves performance and responsiveness especially with many clients.

    • Demo: A feature has been added to share a user’s screen instead of the own one.

    • Demo: The modes (window/fullscreen) have been made subfeatures displayed in a drop down menu.

    • Demo: A feature has been added to share only one of multiple own screens.

    • FileTransfer: A configuration page has been added allowing to configure source and destination folders.

    • RemoteAccess: The username is now displayed in the window title.

    • WebAPI: Added a new plugin offering a RESTful API for accessing Veyon Server instances.

  • Linux
    • The reboot/poweroff functions now prefer using systemd-logind.

    • The reboot/poweroff functions now look for binaries in /sbin and /usr/sbin if they are not in the PATH environment variable.

    • The user session management code has been improved to start Veyon Server more reliably.

    • The screenlock feature is now working properly with most desktop environments.

  • Мастер
    • The new Slideshow panel cycles through all computers and shows a magnified view of each computer for a short time.

    • The new Spotlight panel shows one or multiple computers in realtime. This allows keeping an eye on users requiring special attention.

    • The size of computer icons is now always adjusted automatically whenever the panel is resized or computers are added or removed.

    • States and sizes of panels are now saved when closing the program and restored upon the next start.

    • The aspect ratio of computer icons is now adjusted to the original screen sizes.

  • Сервер
    • A notification is now shown for both incomplete and failed authentication attempts.

    • Support for external VNC servers without any authentication/password configured has been added.

  • Windows
    • The Interception driver is now disabled in multi session mode to prevent issues with hanging RDP sessions.

    • The 3rdparty component UltraVNC has been updated to the latest version.

    • Several 3rdparty libraries have been updated (Qt 5.12.11 snapshot, OpenLDAP 2.4.56, OpenSSL 1.1.1h)

Due to the large number of changes, there’s a medium risk for regressions. Therefore especially the initial release (v4.5.0) should be tested thoroughly before deploying.

Структурные изменения

There are no structural changes in Veyon 4.5.

Изменения конфигурации

Several configuration keys have been renamed in Veyon 4.5. When upgrading to Veyon 4.5 or newer the new configuration keys will be populated with the value of the old keys automatically.

Старое имя

Новое имя









Veyon 4.4


Veyon 4.4 is mostly identical to Veyon 4.3. The most notable change is the updated VNC and networking stack which provides even better reliability. As a result Veyon 4.4 uses slightly different techniques and settings when establishing connections to client computers, so the new version should be tested thoroughly before deployment. Apart from this, the risk of regressions is very low.

Структурные изменения

There are no structural changes in Veyon 4.4.

Изменения конфигурации

No configuration keys have been changed or renamed. Various internal settings of the VNC and networking stack (such as timeouts and intervals) are now configurable at the command line for debugging and tuning purposes.

Veyon 4.3


Veyon 4.3 is mostly identical to Veyon 4.2. A new plugin has been added which allows logging in a particular user remotely on all computers. The config CLI module has been improved to handle specific data types (such as JSON data and option indices) more intelligently. Upgrading to Veyon 4.3 does not require any configuration changes. Since only a new plugin has been added and some commands of the config CLI module have been extended the risk of regressions is very low.

Структурные изменения

There are no structural changes in Veyon 4.3.

Изменения конфигурации

No configuration keys have been changed or renamed. The only new configuration keys are directly related to the new remote log in feature and usually do not have to be changed.

Veyon 4.2


Veyon 4.2 continues the Veyon 4 major release series with many internal modernizations, user interface optimizations and performance improvements in many areas. Veyon 4.2 lays the foundation for commercial add-ons offered starting in the second half of 2019. The following new features and improvements can be found in Veyon 4.2:

  • Ядро
    • The network object management layer has been revised to allow using multi-level hierarchies in commercial add-ons.

    • The automatic detection of user interface language in some countries has been improved (e.g. use German in Austria or Switzerland).

    • Context information in log messages have been improved.

  • Мастер
    • The computer sort order can now be configured.

    • The internal data models have been improved leading to more stability and reliability.

    • The connection and message handling has been improved to reduce latencies.

  • Configurator
    • New view modes «Standard» and «Advanced» have been added.

    • An authentication test functionality has been added.

  • Плагины
    • The new file transfer plugin allows sending files to all users and open them automatically if requested.

    • Wake-on-LAN can be used in the CLI via the power module.

    • The builtin network object directory gained support for importing CSV files with a type column.

    • The power down feature supports additional options to install updates, confirm shutdown or power down after timeout.

    • Users can now add custom programs and websites to the respective menu.

    • Thumbnail updates can be slowed down while the demo mode is active. This improves performance and reduces network traffic.

  • LDAP
    • Browse buttons have been added to the configuration pages.

    • A new attribute for the computer display name has been added.

    • Computer attribute queries have been optimized to decrease load on the LDAP/AD server.

    • Computer location queries used by access control have been fixed if containers/OUs are used as locations.

    • The result messages of the integration tests have been improved.

  • Linux
    • A configuration page with platform-specific settings has been added.

    • The PAM service login instead of su is now used to authenticate users.

    • Support for using a custom PAM service such as veyon has been added.

  • Windows
    • A configuration page with platform-specific settings has been added.

    • Platform-specific network code has been improved for more reliable network connections.

    • An alternative authentication mechanism has been added for cases where the SSPI-based mechanism does not work.

    • The screen lock feature can now disable and hide the taskbar, start button and start menu.

    • The underlying Qt framework has been updated to the LTS version 5.12 leading to better Windows 10 support.

    • Performance and security of the builtin UltraVNC server have been improved.

Структурные изменения

Starting with Veyon 4.2 the more generic term location instead of room is used wherever appropriate. This affects both the user interface and configuration key names. The wording has been changed to better reflect where computers are located in multi-level hierarchies.

In Veyon 4.2 the command line utility has been renamed to veyon-cli. All occurrences of the old name veyon-ctl in your scripts and installation routines have to be replaced accordingly. On Windows there’s also a new non-console version veyon-wcli which allows automating tasks without irritating command line window popups.

On Linux the systemd unit has been renamed from veyon-service.service to veyon.service.

Конфигуратор Veyon по умолчанию не показывает все параметры конфигурации, чтобы представить более понятный пользовательский интерфейс. Если вы пропустили некоторые дополнительные параметры, вы можете переключить представление на Расширенный через меню Просмотр.

Изменения конфигурации

Several configuration keys have been renamed in Veyon 4.2. When upgrading to Veyon 4.2 or newer the new configuration keys will be populated with the value of the old keys automatically.

Старое имя

Новое имя

























Veyon 4.1


Veyon 4.1 was the first feature release series of Veyon 4. Even though not visible to the end user the most notable change is the platform support modularization, i.e. all platform-specific functions have been moved to distinct plugins. This has significantly improved the support of the individual platforms and makes it easier to support further platforms in the future. In addition to that Veyon 4.1 offers many improvements and new features compared to 4.0:

  • Ядро
    • All passwords in configuration are now encrypted.

    • Platform-specific code has been moved into platform plugins.

  • Мастер
    • Computers can now be arranged via drag and drop.

    • A button for hiding powered off computers has been added.

    • Refresh interval, background color and thumbnail caption are now configurable.

  • Плагины
    • Authentication key management for both Configurator and command line has been revised completely.

    • Computers and rooms can now be managed at the command line.

    • Computers and rooms can now be imported from CSV and text files.

    • Predefined programs and websites for «run program» and «open website» features can be configured.

  • LDAP
    • Support for encrypted SSL/TLS connections has been added.

  • Linux
    • Full systemd service support

    • The shutdown/reboot/session logout mechanisms have been rewritten to use DBus calls.

  • Windows
    • All builds are based on an updated toolchain with GCC 7.3, Qt 5.9 LTS and OpenSSL 1.1.

Структурные изменения

As part of the changes for systemd support on Linux, in Veyon 4.1 the Veyon Service component has been split into two separate components. The Veyon Service no longer contains the actual functions to provide access to a computer. These functions have been moved into the new Veyon Server component which runs as a standalone process in user sessions. The Veyon Service now only monitors user sessions on a computer and starts Veyon Server instances within these sessions.

The LocalData plugin has been split into the BuiltinDirectory and SystemUserGroups plugins. This allows using different data sources for access control, e.g. computers from an LDAP directory in combination with local user groups. After upgrading you should verify that the appropriate network object directory and access control user groups backend are selected as desired.

Изменения конфигурации

The following configuration keys have changed in Veyon 4.1:


In Veyon 4.0 this key contained the unencrypted password for an external VNC server. Starting with Veyon 4.1 this password is always stored encrypted. It will be encrypted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1. There’s no way to encrypt the password manually. When downgrading to 4.0 the password needs to be set explicitly again.


In Veyon 4.0 this key contained the unencrypted LDAP bind password. Starting with Veyon 4.1 this password is always stored encrypted. It will be encrypted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1. There’s no way to encrypt the password manually. When downgrading to 4.0 the password needs to be set explicitly again.

LDAP/UsersFilter, LDAP/UserGroupsFilter, LDAP/ComputersFilter, LDAP/ComputerGroupsFilter, LDAP/ComputerContainersFilter

Veyon 4.0 used a non-standard syntax for LDAP filters. This has been fixed in Veyon 4.1 where all filter expressions must be placed in parentheses. The expressions will be adjusted automatically when upgrading the configuration to 4.1.


In Veyon 4.0 the builtin network object directory was provided by a different plugin. Starting with Veyon 4.1 locations and computers are stored in BuiltinDirectory/NetworkObjects instead of LocalData/NetworkObjects.

Veyon 4.0

Veyon 4.0 был первым выпуском Veyon 4, преемником iTALC. Он отличается модульной архитектурой, переписанным мастер-приложением и поддержкой LDAP/AD. По состоянию на декабрь 2018 года серия Veyon 4.0.x считается устаревшей и больше не будет получать обновления.